Flow and heat transfer in reactor core



Prof. Xu Cheng, IATF, KIT CS





Flow and heat transfer in reactor core



Goal of the course



This course deals with thermal-hydraulic modelling in fuel assemblies. It starts with a short introduction of the structure and design criteria of nuclear reactors. Three different approaches of thermal-hydraulic analysis are presented, i.e. single channel approach, sub-channel approach and 3-dimensional approach. For each approach fundamental idea, mathematic background, required closure models will be described. Moreover, merits and shortages of each approach will be discussed. In addition to several application examples, opportunity will be given to students to make exercise with sub-channel analysis codes.


Prof. Xu Cheng, IFRT, KIT CS

Schedule: 4 days

05.10. - 08.10.2020; 9 am to 5 pm daily


KIT-Campus South, Institute for Applied Thermofluidics (IATF)
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str. 3, D-76131 Karlsruhe
Building 07.08, Room 331

Dead line for application:  21.09.2020

Application form download

Prof. Xu Cheng, IATF, KIT CS

Professorship: Innovative Nuclear Systems

Email: xu cheng∂kit edu